Tuesday, June 30, 2009
These few days have been really peaceful. Kinda like this life. No much worries, not much stress. I'm not getting tat much done, but still something, and most importantly, I'm happy.
Good: Tried to suggest that Paul used rough paper. Failed in the end, but not due to lack of trying.
Bad: Can't think of anything bad ;p
Sleep: 12-8am good!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Daily Log 27.06.09
Nothing much to say today. Feeling bored, so went to chit chat with neighbours. I'm glad that at least I have neighbours I can talk to when I'm bored. I guess life is just so good being simple.
Sleep: 1am-tiwu. ( a bit late. just don't feel like gg to bed when tmr is a tiwu day)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Daily Log 24.06.09
today was a low day again. i think i need more sleep.
i have a new area for improvement:
1. Asking for help in German
2. Getting pple to practise eco-friendly habits
3. Correcting the mistakes of others
4. Getting pple to be more +ve
5. Getting enough sleep
But I also have a new area where I can see big improvements:
1. Not being afraid to probe deeper when asking questions.
2. Not putting things off for later, when they can be done now
Sleep today: 11.15pm - 7.30am
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Daily Log 19.06.09
Now that I have tried this daily log for a few days, I am learning how to make good use of it. Firstly, it is a good way to summarise the main areas where I need to improve, and areas where I am already good at. Then, whenever, similar situations appear, I will be able to recognise it quickly and consciously make the correct decision. After a few tries, it should get a lot easier.
So here is the status so far:
Areas showing improvement:
1. Not being afraid to probe deeper when asking questions.
Areas needing improvement:
1. Asking for help in German
2. Getting pple to practise eco-friendly habits
3. Correcting the mistakes of others
4. Not putting things off for later, when they can be done now
5. Getting enough sleep
Weiter weiter!
Jeder Tag ein bisschen starker!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Daily Log 16.06.09
Good: Nothing much actually. Except that I was able to talk more relaxed to the guys in GAP. But then, I still have problems with Deutsch. damn it! But at least I try. haha.
Bad: Also not much serious. Today quite relaxed. Probably could have pushed a bit more when asking questions.
Sleeping time: 12am-7am. shit i'm gg to die. not enuf sleep. bad planning for this test. i guess i need to get focused on being a student. still quite in holiday mode. in a way, it is prob a blessing in disguise tat i got kicked out of the mehrwasser competition. ;p
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Daily Log 15.06.09
Good: I tried my best to cheer XQ up by listening to her and by giving my philosophy.
Bad: As usual, I regret holding back on something I wanted to say. I don't know why I can't just learn to let go. Let go!!!
Sleeping time: 1am-8am. Bad...
Daily Log 14.06.09
Wah!!! i kena cheated! shit! Lost 50 euros! But its not that that pisses me off the most! Its the fact that I should have poked so many holes in his story. The thing is, I'm just too naive. I need to realise that there are people out in this world who belong in category 3. They are out to do bad things to me. So I should realise it and then deal with it accordingly. It was a heartening lesson, but 1 I will never forget. This time it is 'just' 50 euros, but next time it could be thousands of dollars. I will be ready then...
And how strange, that on the same day, I also had something good happening to me. Life is some wierd shit man. On sat I met the girl who might just be the person I would spend the rest of my life with. Its still too early to say, because I honestly haven't experienced how she would "complement me and make me a better person" - my ultimate criteria of a perfect woman. But she would definitely make a worthy friend. For one thing, she is so similar to me. haha. She likes politics, she is an introvert trying to open up, she is studying environmental related stuff, she doesn't get too upset when insects land on her, and I really like the way she says she understands, when I get distracted or things like that. simply marvelous...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Daily Log 12.06.09
Yoyo. Ich hab heute ein Referat auf Deutsch gehaltet. Ganz toll!
Good: I asked to have the Linsen beans back from Jackie. Last time I would be too shy to ask. I also felt normal when the Casher scolded me today. Means I have learnt not to take things too seriously.
Bad: Not much that I can think of. Pretty OK day for me. I guess I was too tired anyway.
Sleeping time: 11pm - wiwu : Good!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Daily log 11.06.09
Good: Not sure what I did well. Guess I actively encouraged Marcell's experiment, which others may not really give a damn about.
Can be improved: Did not really put up a resistance to the lecturer when he said something that didn't seem right. Next time must try harder!
General: Starting to feel wierd about the girls in my life. Lately, I've started to realise that I seem to be developing better relationships with gals than guys. I also don't know why. Maybe I am investing more time in them. But I don't think so leh. For eg, when Arnold and Yu Fan came, I also spent a lot of time with them. But somehow things just didn't go as smoothly as I hoped. Maybe I'm not being nice enough to guys. But not always the case leh. Guess i won't be figuring that out so soon.
Sleeping time: 0100-when i wake up (OK, cos I slept a lot this afternoon & feel awake now)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Daily logbook
Hi, today I shall try out a new project called daily logbook. I will basically try to write down an entry everyday to reflect upon what has happened in the day. Idea is to offload what goes through my mind everyday anyway. And hopefully it will concretise the lessons I want to learn. So here goes...
In my facebook video posting, I credited Lucy with sharing me the video. --> Show gratitude
Can be improved:
When Martin asked me if I wanted to go for the 6th floor event, I just said "schau mal mal", when I knew I had a lot of homework to do. I should have said "Ich bin leider zu beschäftig. Ich muss lernen. Aber troztdem danke für den Hinweis." --> Don't be afraid to be who I am! But always be polite when rejecting or critisizing others!
Expected sleeping time: 2330-0700 --> OK