Sunday, August 06, 2006

I've really had a lot of philosophical breakthroughs in the last few days, but first of all i really have to lament my poor state of chinese. I found out that I forgot how to write a lot of chinese words, but its a pity this comp doesn't have chinese writing software so I can't practise. Back to the main topic, yeah, I just came back from seeing my friend in hospital and I already told him about most of it, so i'm too lazy to say it now. Mainly I just feel like a different person, with so much new motivations to carry my life in a new direction. Firstly, I want to be less phoney. Yes, this is from the phoney bustard, but yeah, i really want to cut in down, although its impossible to totally cut it out. Next, I want to be more confident in approaching pple. But when it comes to girls it's always a problem. But i think i shall just postpone the thought of getting a gf for the time being. Maybe it will make talking to girls easier. Anyway, I really want to realise my plan, my campaign: "Stand up, Speak up". In 6 months, I want to organise a massive publicity campaign to get pple to stand up for elderly/pregnant women etc on buses and MRT. It will involve pple who will take a pledge to do so or kindly ask others to do so. And it will educate pple on the harm they do if they let elderly/pregnant women stand. If I can pull this off successfully, it will really change Singapore man. It will generate a culture of having the courage to speak up for your beliefs. Wish me luck!


Blogger jin said...

hey PB(i used this initials as i don know who u are.. haha..), really nice to hear that u have thoughts of making singapore a better place for everyone. u do have some noble thoughts and i am supportive of wat u said. well at least i hope that u will acheive wat u targeted over the next 6 months (as in talking to gals etc haha..) All the best!

5:33 PM  

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