Thursday, October 13, 2011

5 Threats to Singapore's survival

2. Energy crisis
Singapore is reliant on foreign countries for a shocking 97% of our energy. The 3% that we produce locally is from burning trash in incineration plants. This puts Singapore at an extremely vulnerable position in terms of changes in international oil and natural gas prices.

As fossil fuels run out, how will Singapore sustain it's ferocious appetite for energy?

As can be seen in the graph below. Our carbon emissions per capita is one of the highest in the region when compared to countries with similar standard of living. Only Australia is worse than us.

Recent developments in Singapore have mainly comprised of a shift away from petroleum to natural gas as the dominant fuel to produce electricity in our power stations. Unfortunately, this only shifts our reliance to another country. We are now reliant on imports of natural gas from Malaysia and Indonesia to produce 81% of our electricity.

Plans to build a coal power plant is being painted as a "green" solution to our energy problems, with the words "clean coal" being banded about. However, coal by its nature contains the least amount of energy for the same weight compared to oil and gas. Coal also tends to contain sulphur, which causes acid rain, and radioactive materials can concentrate within the fly ash.

Is there a better way to improve our energy security while at the same time reduce the flatulence we are releasing to the world?

These are some ideas:
1. Exploring alternative sources of energy

1a. Nuclear. Was always going to be tricky, especially since the Fukoshima disaster in Japan. However, new generations of nuclear fission power plants are designed to be much safer.

1b. Solar. Singapore enjoys so much sun that our lack of solar power is simply embarrassing. German companies are now decades ahead in this field thanks to support from their government.

1c. Wind. Written off by the authorities, wind energy never had a chance to prove its vaibility in Singapore. Yet, innovative turbine designs can extract energy even from low win conditions. They should be explored.

1d. Undersea currents. Surrounded by seas, this is another emerging technology worth exploring.

2. Improving the power grid

2a.Regional power grid. A regional power grid can link up renewable energy sources around the region. For example Geothermal energy. Although there is very little potential in Singapore, geothermal potential is enormous in neighbouring countries.

2b. Smart grid. A smart grid can be used to control smart energy storage or energy consumption devices to make sure that energy withdrawn from the grid matches the energy generated. This reduces the need to build new power stations just to cope with the occasional peaks in energy use.

3. Improving transport system. To cut out dependence on petroleum, electric vehicles are the way to go! Electric vehicles tend to be more efficient because they can also recapture energy from braking or going downslope. The power to the engine is also stopped when the vehicle is idle. Public transport is obviously more efficient than cars in moving people, so there should be a definite push to get more people to walk, cycle, car-pool or take the bus and train.

4. Improving energy efficiency through design and technology. The Green Mark scheme has been doing well to encourage buildings to become more energy efficient. This is a step in the right direction. It should be extended as a standard to all public housing.

5. Government legislation and incentives. The Green Mark scheme is an example of how the government can make huge changes by providing the right carrots and sticks. More can certainly be done to support alternative energy sources eg. via feed-in tariffs.

6. Changing mindsets. Ultimately however, the common man has to start appreciating the importance of energy. We have to start demanding that buildings be designed so that air-con need not be used. Then we have to get used to the heat and humidity instead of looking to air-con. Can we do that?


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